Choose where to place your photos and videos. The default is to place all photos and video into a folder under the C:\My Documents\ My Pictures folder with the date the photos where taken as the folder name.
Click the “Finish” button to start the download process.
A photos download progress bar appears showing the number of media (videos included) downloading to your computer.
All the media – Photos and Videos on your camera are now downloaded to your computer.
Open the “Select Photos” mode of Photags Express to view the thumbnails for all the media.
You may now use PhoTags Express to edit your photos, create collections and Burn CD`s.
To learn more of how to get the most out of your PhoTags application select the “Show Me How” or the “Help” Quick Start Guide button found on the top right of the screen.
Express Copy Method
Select this option if you want to have all the images transferred to the PC without the option to select which photos you want to transfer. In this mode you will not see a preview of the images