About the software
Please ensure that you read the instruction manual carefully before use.
The attached software is a camera driver and image editing software tool for Windows.
Under no circumstances should all or part of either the software or the user manual be reproduced.
Copyright for both software is licensed only for use with a camera.
In the unlikely event of a manufacturing fault, we will repair or exchange your camera. We cannot, however, be held responsible in any way for damage caused by inappropriate use.
Using a
Before reading this manual, you should have a basic knowledge of computers and O/S (Operating Systems).
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
Macintosh, Mac is the registered trademark of Apple computer, USA.
Before connecting the USB cable to the PC and camera, you have to set up the camera driver.
Disable other programs before installing the camera driver.
Installing all programs
Installing image viewer
Installing editing software
Access to the Samsung camera website
Closing the auto run frame
Driver Storage Driver : For connecting the camera to the PC. All application programs (Digimax Viewer 1.0 for viewing images, MGI PhotoSuite III SE for editing images, and DirectX 8.1 for playing back movie clips) will be installed.
Image Viewer Digimax Viewer 1.0: Only Digimax Viewer 1.0 will be installed.
Application MGI PhotoSuite III SE: Only MGI PhotoSuite III SE will be installed.
If you installed all application programs by clicking the [Driver Storage Driver], you need not install Digimax Viewer 1.0 and MGI PhotoSuite III SE separately