Network Services
The Control Panel at a Glance
The Control Panel, which runs across the top of the screen, has a series of icons which start a number of useful functions. The icons are described below, starting with the icon on the far left of the screen.
http://www.samsung.com | 100% |
: Moves to the previous page.
: Moves to the next web page.
• : Displays the Bookmarks and History screen. You can bookmark the current page, select
an existing bookmark, and edit and delete bookmarks. You can also view your browsing history and select a page to revisit.
• : Moves to the Home screen of the Web Browser.
• | http://www.samsung.com | : Lets you enter a page |
| address manually using the keyboard |
• : Reloads the current page so that it is
1refreshed on the screen.
• : Adds the current page to your bookmarks.
• | : Lets you search for information |
| by entering words or characters using the |
| keyboard |
| up on page 52. |
• : Lets you enlarge or shrink the screen by various percentages.
• /
: Lets you switch between Pointer Browsing and Link Browsing.
• : Lets you configure the Browser’s settings. See Using the Settings Menu on page 53.
• : Closes the Web Browser.
Using the Keyboard Pop-up
When you click the | http://www.samsung.com | , the |
or access a data or text entry field, | ||
and then press the v button, the keyboard pop- | ||
up appears. |
To use the keyboard | ||
follow these steps: |
http://www.samsung.com |
| 100% |
As you enter characters, recommended text will be shown.
Caps | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | ^ | : | * | Clear |
| q | w | e | r | t | y | u | i | o | p |
| | ||
123#& | a | s | d | f | g | h | j | k | l | ~ | @ |
| ! | Done |
| z | x | c | v | b | n | m | , | . | ? | - |
| | Cancel |
| www. | .com | / | | |
| |
1.Use the ▲▼◄► buttons on your remote to move the highlight to a letter or number of your choice.
2.Press the v button to enter the letter or number into the entry field.
3.To access capital letters, move the highlight to the Caps key on the top left, and then press the v button. Press the v button again with the Caps key highlighted to access small letters again.
4.To access symbols and additional punctuation marks, highlight the 123#& button on the left, and then press the v button.
5.To delete a character you entered, move the highlight to the : button, and then press the v button.
6.To delete all the characters you entered, move the highlight to the Clear button, and then press the v button.
7.When finished entering, move the highlight to the Done button, and then press the v button.
52 English