Shooting ()

Custom RGB : You can change the R (Red), G (Green) and B (Blue) values of the image.


- Up/Down button : Selects R, G, B

- Left/Right button : Changes the values


When picture style is set, face detection is not available.

When Photo Style Selector is set, Image Adjust function is not available.

Smart Filter

Apply various filter effects to your photos to create unique images.

Smart Filter


1.Select the desired Smart Filter by pressing the Left/Right button and press the OK button.

2.Press the Shutter button to take an image.

Smart Filter





No effect

Make a photo of a life-size location or object

Miniature look like a photo of a miniature scale model. Blurring parts of the photo makes the scene

seem much smaller than it actually is.


Apply the retro-looking colors, high contrast,

and strong vignette effect


Fish-eye 1

Distort close objects to imitate the visual effect

of a fisheye lens.




Fish-eye 2

Blacken the edges of the frame and distort objects

to imitate the visual effect of a fisheye lens.


When you apply a smart filter effect while recording a video, the video will be automatically resized to (640x320) or smaller.

If you use this function, you cannot set the photo style and image adjustment options.