
Font style: Change the font type for display text.

Font size: Change the font size.

Display battery percentage: Set the device to display the remaining battery life.

Edit after screen capture: Set the device to edit the screenshot after capturing it.

Increase touch sensitivity: Set the device to increase the sensitivity so you can use the touch screen with gloves on.

Depending on the type of material you wear while touching the device, some commands may not be recognised.

LED indicator

Charging: Set the device to turn on the notification light while you are charging the battery.

Low battery: Set the device to turn on the notification light when the battery is low.

Notifications: Set the device to turn on the notification light when you have missed calls, messages, or notifications.

Voice recording: Set the device to turn on the notification light when you record voice memos.

Sounds and notifications

Change settings for various sounds on the device.

Vibration intensity: Adjust the force of the vibration notification.

Vibrate when ringing: Set the device to vibrate and play a ringtone for incoming calls.

Ringtones: Select a ringtone to alert you to incoming calls.

Vibrations: Add or select a vibration pattern.

Notification ringtone: Select a ringtone for events, such as incoming messages and missed calls.

Application notifications: Change the notification settings for each application.

Adapt Sound: Personalise the sound for the ear you use most during calls or while listening to music.