Samsung GT-P6210UWASEB manual 119

Models: GT-P6210UWASEB

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Aizsargājiet ierīci un lādētājus pret bojājumiem

Izvairieties no ierīces pakļaušanas ļoti aukstu vai ļoti karstu temperatūru ietekmei.

Pārāk augsta vai zema temperatūra var deformēt ierīci, samazināt akumulatora elektrisko ietilpību, kā arī saīsināt ierīces un akumulatora kalpošanas ilgumu.

Nekādā gadījumā nelietojiet bojātu lādētāju.

Uzmanību! Izmantojot ierīci vietās ar lietošanas ierobežojumiem, ņemiet vērā visus brīdinājumus un noteikumus

Izslēdziet ierīci, ja tā norādīts

Ņemiet vērā visus noteikumus, kas ierobežo mobilās ierīces lietošanu kādā noteiktā teritorijā.

Neizmantojiet ierīci citu elektronisku ierīču tuvumā

Vairums elektronisko ierīču izmanto radiofrekvenču signālus. Tādēļ jūsu ierīce var traucēt citu ierīču darbību.

Neizmantojiet ierīci elektrokardiostimulatora tuvumā

Centieties neizmantot ierīci tuvāk par 15 cm no elektrokardiostimulatora, jo jūsu ierīce var traucēt tā darbību.

Ja ierīce tomēr jāizmanto, raugieties, lai tā neatrastos tuvāk par 15 cm no elektrokardiostimulatora.

Lai mazinātu elektrokardiostimulatora darbības traucējumus, lietojiet ierīci tajā ķermeņa pusē, kurā neatrodas elektrokardiostimulators.

Neizmantojiet ierīci slimnīcās vai tādu medicīnas iekārtu tuvumā, kuru darbību varētu traucēt radiofrekvenču signāli

Ja jūs pats izmantojat kādu medicīnas iekārtu, sazinieties ar šīs iekārtas ražotāju, lai pārliecinātos, vai tās darbību neietekmē radiofrekvenču signāli.

Ja izmantojat dzirdes aparātu, sazinieties ar tā ražotāju, lai uzzinātu vai tā darbību neietekmē radiofrekvenču signāli

Dažu dzirdes aparātu darbību var ietekmēt jūsu ierīces radiofrekvenču signāli. Sazinieties ar ražotāju, lai pārliecinātos, vai iespējams droši lietot dzirdes aparātu.

Drošības pasākumi


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Samsung GT-P6210UWASEB manual 119

GT-P6210UWASEB specifications

The Samsung GT-P6210 series, distinguished by models such as GT-P6210UWASER, GT-P6210UWESER, GT-P6210UWASEB, GT-P6210MAESER, and GT-P6210MAASER, represents a notable line of tablets that balance performance, portability, and functionality, catering to a range of user needs.

At the core of the Samsung GT-P6210 series is its processing power, typically powered by a dual-core processor which ensures smooth multitasking and efficient operation of applications. This allows users to switch seamlessly between tasks, whether it’s browsing the web, checking emails, or playing games. The tablets also come with various RAM configurations, enhancing performance and providing the capacity needed for running multiple applications simultaneously.

The display on the GT-P6210 series is characterized by a vibrant 10.1-inch screen featuring Samsung's renowned technology. The high resolution offers clarity and sharpness, making it ideal for watching videos, reading e-books, or working on documents. The touch interface is responsive and user-friendly, catering to both casual users and professionals alike.

Connectivity is another strong point of the GT-P6210 series, with options for Wi-Fi and, in certain models, 3G connectivity. This allows users to stay connected wherever they are, whether at home or on the go. The devices also support Bluetooth technology for easy pairing with peripherals like keyboards and speakers.

In terms of storage, the GT-P6210 series typically offers various options, sometimes expandable via microSD cards. This feature is particularly useful for users who require additional space for media, applications, or documents.

Samsung's TouchWiz interface enhances the user experience by providing a custom Android experience with added features that improve navigation and usability. The tablets often come preloaded with several applications that promote productivity and entertainment, making them versatile devices for both work and leisure.

Battery life is another defining characteristic, often lasting throughout a full day’s use, ensuring that users can work or play without the need for frequent recharging.

Overall, the Samsung GT-P6210 series exemplifies a blend of technology and practicality, making it a suitable choice for students, professionals, and everyone in between. Whether for productivity tasks or multimedia consumption, these tablets cater to a broad audience, ensuring that users receive a reliable and enjoyable experience.