
The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.

Lưu ý về giấ́y phé́p mã nguồ̀n mở̉

Trong trườ̀ng hợ̣p sử̉ dụ̣ng phầ̀n mềm mã nguồ̀n mở̉, cá́c giấ́y phé́p mã nguồ̀n mở̉ đượ̣c cung cấ́p trong menu của sả̉n phẩ̉m. Lưu y vê giấy phép ma nguồn mở chỉ được viết bằng tiếng Anh.

Để̉ biế́t thông tin về Thông bá́o Giấ́y phé́p Nguồ̀n Mở̉, hãy liên hệ̣ vớ́i Trung tâm chăm só́c Khá́ch hà̀ng của Samsung hoặ̣c gử̉i email tớ́i

Open Source Announcement

Some software components of this product incorporate source code covered under the GNU General Public License (GPL), the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) etc.


The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL/LGPL etc. You may obtain the complete Corresponding Source code from us for

a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by sending email to: oss.

If you want to obtain the complete Corresponding Source code in the physical medium such as CD-ROM, the cost of physically performing source distribution may be charged.

You may also find a copy of the source at following website. manifest.htm