
Poglavlje 14


Troškovi servisa (snosi ih korisnik)

――Unatoč jamstvu zatraženi servis možemo naplatiti u sljedećim slučajevima.

Ako se na uređaju ne ustanovi kvar

Čišćenje uređaja, prilagodba, davanje uputa, ponovna montaža itd.

•• ako serviser daje upute o načinu korištenja proizvoda ili samo namješta funkcije, bez rastavljanja uređaja

ako su uzrok kvara vanjski faktori (internet, antena, ožičeni signal itd.)

ako je uređaj ponovno montiran ili su priključeni dodatni uređaji nakon prve montaže kupljenog uređaja

ako je uređaj ponovno montiran zbog premještanja na drugo mjesto ili u drugu kuću ako kupac zatraži upute o upotrebi uređaja nekog drugog proizvođača

ako kupac zatraži upute o upotrebi mreže ili programa neke druge tvrtke ako kupac zatraži instalaciju softvera i postavljanje uređaja

ako serviser ustanovi da se nakupila prašina ili strani predmeti unutar uređaja te ih ukloni/očisti ako kupac zatraži naknadnu montažu nakon kupnje uređaja putem kataloga ili interneta

Ako je kvar uređaja prouzročio kupac

Oštećenja prouzročena kupčevim nepravilnim rukovanjem ili pokušajem popravka. Ako je uzrok oštećenja proizvoda:

•• vanjski utjecaj ili pad uređaja

•• upotreba opreme ili nekog zasebnog proizvoda koje nije preporučio Samsung

•• ako je proizvod popravljala neka druga osoba, a ne ovlašteni serviser ili partner tvrtke Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

•• ako je uređaj prepravljao ili popravljao korisnik

•• ako je uređaj korišten na neodobrenoj voltaži ili s neatestiranim električnim kabelima

•• ako se kupac nije držao upozorenja navedenih u korisničkom priručniku

Ostali slučajevi

•• ako je uzrok oštećenja uređaja neka elementarna nepogoda. (udar groma, požar, potres, poplava itd.)

•• ako su se potrošne komponente istrošile. (baterija, toner, fluorescentne žaruljice, glava, vibrator, lampica, filtar, vrpca itd.)

――Usluga servisa korisniku se može naplatiti ako zatraži servis za ispravan proizvod. Molimo vas da stoga najprije pažljivo pročitate korisnički priručnik.


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Samsung LH65EDEPLGC/EN, LH40DCEPLGC/EN, LH48DCEPLGC/EN, LH55DCEPLGC/EN manual Dodatak, Troškovi servisa snosi ih korisnik, 127


Samsung has consistently set the bar high in the world of display technology, and their latest lineup of large-format displays includes the Samsung LH75EDEPLGC/NG, LH65EDEPLGC/EN, and LH65EDEPLGC/NG. These models are designed to meet the needs of businesses requiring impressive visuals for various applications such as retail, education, and corporate environments.

One of the standout features of these displays is their high brightness levels, which make them suitable for both indoor and semi-outdoor settings. With brightness ratings that enhance visibility even in well-lit environments, these models ensure that content such as advertisements and presentations stands out, capturing the attention of passersby.

The Samsung LH75EDEPLGC/NG, with its impressive 75-inch screen, offers a large canvas for displaying content with clarity and detail. Alternatively, the LH65EDEPLGC/EN and LH65EDEPLGC/NG models, each with a 65-inch display, provide a slightly more compact option without compromising on quality. The sleek design and narrow bezels of these displays maximize the screen area while ensuring a modern, professional appearance that fits seamlessly into any space.

Another key feature of these models is their 4K resolution. With a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, users can expect stunning image quality, with vibrant colors and sharp contrast that make all content visually appealing. Whether showcasing high-definition videos, intricate graphics, or detailed information, these displays perform exceptionally well.

Beyond basic display capabilities, Samsung has integrated advanced technologies such as the proprietary MagicINFO software, which allows for easy content management and scheduling. This enables users to customize their display to showcase targeted content at specific times, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the messaging.

In addition, these models are equipped with reliable connectivity options, including HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB ports, making them compatible with a variety of input devices. This versatility allows businesses to connect their displays to computer systems, media players, or even directly to the cloud, streamlining content delivery.

For businesses looking for displays that combine advanced technology, high-quality visuals, and ease of use, the Samsung LH75EDEPLGC/NG, LH65EDEPLGC/EN, and LH65EDEPLGC/NG models represent an ideal choice. Their reliable performance and impressive features make them a powerful tool for enhancing communication, marketing, and presentation strategies in any professional setting.