Ostali problemi

Proizvod ima miris plastike.

Miris plastike uobičajen je i nestat će s vremenom.



Čini se da je monitor nagnut.

Uklonite stalak s proizvoda pa ga ponovno pričvrstite.

Povremeno nestaje zvuka ili slike.

Provjerite je li kabel ispravno priključen i ako je potrebno, ponovno ga priključite.

Upotreba vrlo tvrdog ili debelog kabela može smanjiti kvalitetu reprodukcije audio i videodatoteka.

Pripazite da kabeli budu dovoljno savitljivi radi trajnosti. Prilikom montiranja proizvoda na zid preporučuje se korištenje kabela s kutnim priključcima.

Na rubovima proizvoda ima sitnih komadića.

Komadići su dio dizajna proizvoda. Proizvod nije neispravan.



Izbornik PIP nije dostupan.

Izbornik je omogućen ili onemogućen u ovisnosti o načinu prijma ulaznog signala navedenog u


odjeljku Source.

Prilikom pokušaja promjene razlučivosti računala prikazuje se poruka "The defined resolution is not supported.".

Poruka "The defined resolution is not supported." prikazuje se kad razlučivost uređaja koji je izvor signala nadilazi maksimalnu razlučivost zaslona.

Da biste riješili taj problem, promijenite razlučivost računala u onu koju podržava zaslon.

U HDMI načinu rada nema zvuka iz zvučnika kad je priključen DVI-HDMI kabel.

DVI kabelima ne može se prenositi zvuk.

Provjerite jeste li priključili audiokabel u odgovarajuću ulaznu utičnicu da biste omogućili reprodukciju zvuka.

HDMI Black Level ne funkcionira ispravno na HDMI uređaju s izlazom YCbCr.

Ta je funkcija dostupna samo kad je uređaj koji je izvor signala, poput DVD reproduktora i dekodera kabelskog signala, povezan s proizvodom putem HDMI (RGB signal) kabela.

U načinu rada HDMI nema zvuka.

Prikazane boje možda ne izgledaju dobro. Možda nema slike ili zvuka. To je moguće ako je s proizvodom povezan izvor signala koji podržava samo starije verzije HDMI standarda.

Ako se pojave takvi problemi, povežite audiokabel zajedno s HDMI kabelom.

Neke računalne grafičke kartice možda neće automatski prepoznati HDMI signale koji ne uključuju zvuk. U tom slučaju ručno odaberite izvor zvuka.



Izvor zvuka

Način rada


Postavke računala

Audioulaz (stereo priključci)

Postavke računala



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Samsung LH75DMDPLGC/EN Ostali problemi, Odjeljku Source, Načinu rada Hdmi nema zvuka, Izvor zvuka Način rada Automatski


The Samsung LH75DMDPLGC and its variants, including the LH75DMDPLGC/EN, LH75DMDPLGC/NG, LH65DMDPLGC/UE, LH65DMDPLGC/EN, and LH75DMDPLGC/XY, are a testament to Samsung's commitment to providing high-quality digital signage solutions tailored for various commercial applications. These models are particularly designed for businesses seeking to enhance their visual communication, engage audiences, and elevate their branding efforts.

One of the standout features of the LH75DMDPLGC series is its ultra-high-definition (UHD) resolution. With 4K clarity, these displays deliver exceptional picture quality, ensuring that every detail is vividly displayed. This high resolution is particularly beneficial for environments where large images and intricate graphics are essential, such as retail spaces, corporate settings, and event venues.

The durability of these displays is another notable aspect. Constructed with robust materials, the LH75DMDPLGC series is designed for long-term use in high-traffic areas. They are equipped to withstand various environmental conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. This resilience can be further enhanced with additional protective features, such as anti-glare coatings, to ensure optimum visibility in bright conditions.

In terms of connectivity, these models offer versatile options. They come with multiple HDMI and USB ports, enabling seamless integration with various devices and content sources. This flexibility ensures that users can easily display multimedia content, from videos and images to real-time data feeds. The incorporation of smart technologies also makes these displays efficient for content management, allowing users to update and schedule content remotely.

Samsung's innovative display technologies are on full display here. Features such as HDR support enhance contrast and color accuracy, resulting in richer images that grab the viewer's attention. Additionally, the displays support Samsung's MagicINFO platform, which provides a user-friendly interface for creating, managing, and distributing content across multiple screens.

Energy efficiency is an important characteristic of the LH75DMDPLGC series. They are designed to consume minimal power while still providing high performance, which is an asset for businesses looking to reduce operational costs. Overall, the Samsung LH75DMDPLGC series offers advanced features and technologies, making it an ideal choice for any organization looking to invest in superior digital signage solutions.