Basic Features

Changing the Preset Picture Mode

Picture Mode

Menu Picture Picture Mode

Picture modes apply preset adjustments to the picture.

•• Dynamic

Suitable for a bright room.

•• Standard

Suitable for a normal environment.

•• Movie

Suitable for watching movies in a dark room.

•• Entertain

Sharpens the picture. Suitable for games. It is only available when connecting a PC.

Samsung MagicAngle

Menu Picture Samsung MagicAngle (Depending on the model)

MagicAngle lets you view optimal screen quality from almost any viewing position. By setting an appropriate value for each position, you can view a high quality picture, whether you are viewing the screen from an angle below and above the product.

This option is only available on the TC350 model.

•• Samsung MagicAngle

Select Lean Back Mode if viewing below the screen and Standing Mode if viewing above.

•• Mode

Determines the amount of adjustment. Numbers closer to 10 are best for lower viewing positions.

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