c. The light above the selected Channel button turns green, video from the selected
computer displays on screen and you may now operate the selected computer.
d. The Channel ID and Name will be displayed on the screen for the time interval specified
in the Configuration Menu.
2. To activate AutoScan, press the [Scan] button (toggle ON/OFF) The green light next to the
[Scan] button will be ON and the unit will scan according to the parameters set in the
Configuration Menu. If the AutoScan Mode is set to Individual, AutoScan will occur at the
Channel-Specific Scan Rates as defined in the Edit Names and Scan Rate Menu.
3. To change the scan rate, while AutoScan is ON, press the numbered button corresponding to
the desired Scan Rate located above the front panel channel light to set the Global Scan
Rate. If the Scan Mode in the Configuration Menu had been previously set to Individual, it will
be reset to Global after the front panel button is pressed.
4. To activate AutoSkip, press the [Skip] button (toggle ON/OFF). The green light next to the
[Skip] button will be ON and only active channels will be selected.