the Status column of the second-tier Selection Menu indicates that the status of the
computer is undetermined. Snn indicates the individual Scan Rate of nn seconds.
c. As the computer status changes (active/inactive), the MCC updates the Status column
periodically. To enable a user to see the new status immediately, activate the OSUI and
press F8-Upgrade Computer Status. The MCC will scan the channels and update the
computer status and then return to the previous menu.
d. For any inactive channel, the ID bar will display only the channel ID and not the name
field, when sorted by channel and will not display anything when sorted by name-F12
e. The non-displayed names are still available in the MCC internal database and can be
edited with the F3 function.
3. To select a computer:
Use the <Page Up>/<Page Down> or <Ç>/<È> keys to scroll to the desired computer and
press <Enter>
When the Selection Menu is sorted by Channel ID, press the desired computer's Key number
(in the left-hand column)
a. When the Selection Menu is sorted by name, use the <Page Up>/<Page Down> or
<Ç>/<È> keys, or type the first character(s) of the desired Name to quickly jump to a
Name that most closely matches what you type. To back up a character, press the
<Backspace> key. Highlight the desired computer, and press <Enter>.
b. When you select a computer, you automatically return to normal computer operation at
the selected computer.
c. The light above the selected Channel button turns green, and the monitor displays video
from the selected computer.
d. The Channel ID and Name will display on the monitor for the time interval specified in the
Configuration Menu.
e. Press <Home> at any time to return to the first channel on the first page of the Selection
Menu. Press <End> at any time to advance to the last channel on the last page of the
Selection Menu.