

Installation site

20 cm above


10 cm

• Select a flat, level surface



approx. 85 cm above the floor.











The surface must support the















weight of the oven.








• Secure room for ventilation,















at least 10 cm from the rear




10 cm on




wall and both sides, and 20 cm

85 cm of

the side

the floor





from above.








• Do not install the oven in hot








or damp surroundings, such as








next to other microwave ovens








or radiators.








• Conform to the power supply








specifications of this oven.








Use only approved extension








cables if you need to use.








• Wipe the interior and the door








seal with a damp cloth before








using your oven for the first






























Remove all packing materials








inside the oven. Install the roller








ring and turntable. Check that the








turntable rotates freely.


MS28J5255UW_EF_DE68-04333A-00_EN.indd 16



2015-01-13 ￿￿ 6:09:19