Using "PCoIP"
2 Using "PCoIP"
2.4.5 Diagnostics WindowThe Diagnostic menu contains links to pages with run-time information and functions that may be useful
for troubleshooting.
The Diagnostic options in the OSD are a subset of those available through the Administrative Web
Each tab has a Close button to close the window.
Event Log Tab
The Event Log page lets you view and clear event log messages from the host or client.
The Administrative Web Interface allows you to change the log filter setting on the device whic h controls
the level of detail of the messages in the log. When you set the filter to “terse,” the device will log short
and concise messages.
The Event Log page allows you to enable and define syslog to collect and report events that meet the
IETF standard for logging program messages.
The Event Log can also be initiated using the administrative web interface.
Figure 2-15: Event Log
zView event log message
The View event log messages field displays log messages with time stamp information. There are
two buttons available.
Selecting the Refresh button refreshes the event log messages displayed.
zEvent Log zSession Statistics zPCoIP Processor zPing