Using "PCoIP"
2 Using "PCoIP"
ImageThe Image page allows you to make changes to the image quality of the PCoIP session. This applies to
sessions between PCoIP zero clients and PCoIP host cards in a remote workstation.
To configure the image quality settings for a VMware View virtual desktop, adjust the PCoIP session
variables. Refer to "VMware View 4 to PCoIP Client WAN Network Guidelines" for more information.
The Image parameters can also be configured using the Administrative Web Interface.
Figure 2-23: Image
zImage Quality Preference
Use the slider to adjust the balance between image sharpness and smooth motion during a PCoIP
session when network bandwidth is limited.
This field is also accessible on the host if the PCoIP Host Software is installed. The slider can be
found under the Image tab of the host software. This setting does not work in PCoIP sessions with
VMware View virtual desktops running release 5.0 or earlier.