
Making a Contract with a Provider

The provider is the company which provides the service of connecting you to the Internet. Individual access to the Internet requires a contract with a provider. When you make such a contract, you will be supplied with the necessary information for accessing the Internet.

Note • If your company already has an Internet environment, you do not need to make a contract with a provider. In this case, the necessary information can be obtained from the system administrator .

Access Point

The contractor telephones the access point supplied by the provider and is connected to the Internet via this point.



Internet service provider (ISP)


Access point



Dial-up lines

The Internet


Entrance to





the Internet


• The provider charges a connecting fee according to the amount of


use. You are also required to pay the telephone company a charge for calling the access point.

Each provider offers its own services and charges vary accordingly. For the latest information on providers, see Internet-related magazines, etc.

Dial-Up Function

The dial-up IP connection is used to make a connection to the Internet only when necessary. Normally, it is for accessing the Internet using the RDC-i500. To make the dial-up IP connection, the access point (dial-up destination) and other information must have already been set. P.24 “Setting a Dial-Up Account”

Note “Dial-up IP connection” refers to being connected only when you dialed, while “dedicated connection” refers to being constantly connected to the Internet.


Using Before Communication the

Internet and Functions