How to input your schedule and set the alarm
Choose the “NEW” button ( ) located on the lower right. If there are more than 5 events scheduled in one day, the following memory warning will be displayed.
date in the monthly calendar.
( )
come up on the same day every year.
The home datebook memory is full. The oldest item(s) will be deleted to save your new item.
It will then change to Input Mode with a keyboard on the bottom.
Type your new schedule using the keyboard and choose the type of schedule from the choices on the upper left. Your selection will be shown as an initial icon on the chosen
* Alarm Message Window
The alarm window will be displayed along with the alarm sound at the set time. If you press the “OK” button, the window will disappear.If you press “DELETE”, the related schedule will disappear along with the pop up window.
This is useful to remember anniversaries, birthdays, etc.
Indicate what time the schedule starts and check the “Alarm Me” option if you want to be notified.
Choose the interval time between the alarms. (5 minutes/ 10 minutes/ 15 minutes/ 20 minutes/ 30 minutes/ 45 minutes/ 1 hour/1hour 30 minutes/ 2 hours/ 3 hours/ 4 hours/ 5 hours/ 6 hours)
Icon Father’s birthday party 03/22/2002 7:30 AM
[Monthly Mode]
How to check your schedule
Click the desired date in the monthly calen- dar
The entire schedule and all memos for that date will be displayed as icons on the bot-
tom.( )
[Daily Mode]
How to change and delete your schedule
Choose the desired schedule icon(
) to change or delete.
To change, choose “MODIFY”. ( )
It will then change to Input Mode with the original text.