
Block offensive words: Hide offensive words from voice search results.

Personalised recognition: Set the device to use information from your Google dashboard to improve speech recognition accuracy.

Bluetooth headset: Set the device to allow a voice search with a Bluetooth headset, when one is connected to the device.

Text-to-speech options

PREFERRED TTS ENGINE: Select a speech synthesis engine. To change the settings for speech synthesis engines, tap .

Speech rate: Select a speed for the text-to-speech feature.

Listen to an example: Listen to the spoken text for an example.

Default language status: View the status of the default language for the text-to-speech feature.

Pointer speed

Adjust the pointer speed for the mouse or trackpad connected to your device.

Backup and reset

Change the settings for managing settings and data.

On the Settings screen, tap Backup and reset.

Back up my data: Set the device to back up settings and app data to the Google server.

Backup account: Set up or edit your Google backup account.

Automatic restore: Set the device to restore settings and app data when the apps are reinstalled on the device.

Factory data reset: Reset settings to the factory default values and delete all data.