Apps and features
Sharing contacts
You can share contacts with others by using various sharing options.
Launch the Contacts app and tap →Share.
Select contacts and tap SHARE.
Select a sharing method.
Saving and sharing profile
Save and share your profile information, such as your photo and status message, with others using the profile sharing feature.
•The profile sharing feature may not be available depending on the region or service provider.
•The profile sharing feature is only available for contacts who have activated the profile sharing feature on their device.
Launch the Contacts app and select your profile.
Tap EDIT, edit your profile, and tap SAVE.
Tap →Profile sharing, and then tap the switch to activate it.
To use the profile sharing feature, your phone number must be verified. You can view your contacts’ updated profile information in Contacts.
To set additional items to share, tap Shared content and tap the switches next to the items you want to activate them.
To set a contact group to share your profile with, tap Share with and select an option.