Buttons and Functions Available while Watching Video

Press Enter to access the following buttons. Pressing RETURN hides the playback buttons.

●● Pause / Play

Pause or play the video.

When the video is paused, you can use the following functions. However, audio will not be heard while the video is paused.

––Step: Press to scan the paused video one frame at a time.

––Slow Motion: Select the button to play the video at reduced speed (1/8, 1/4, 1/2).

●● Rewind / Fast Forward

Rewind or fast forward the video. Repeatedly select the button to make the rewind/fast forward speed faster by up to 3 times. To restore normal playback speed, select .

●● Previous / Next

Select twice to play the previous video. Selecting once reloads the current video from the beginning.

To play the next video, select the button.