AAPlaying Music


99 You can search by artist, album, music title, and station in your mobile, network-connected device and logged-in music services. You can search for music service(s) only if you logged in the service(s).

99 Spotify does not support the search function since it uses the Spotify Connect function.

Playing a music file stored in the smart device

1At the top of the home screen, select My Phone (files saved on your smart device).

2Select the desired category from the screen.Albums : Lists all the music files by album.Artists : Lists all the music files by artist.Genres : Lists all the music files by genre.Folders : Lists all the music files by stored folder.Playlists : Lists all the music files by playlist.Songs : Lists all the music files by name.Favourites : Lists all the music files marked as favourites.Recently Added : Display a list of music files recently added.3After selecting a category, find and select your desired music.