Detergent drawer guidelines

The washing machine provides a three-compartment dispenser: the left compartment for the main wash, the front-right for fabric softeners, and the rear-right for the preliminary wash.

01 Main-wash compartment: Apply main-wash detergent, water softener, soaking detergent, bleach, and/or stain removers.

02 Softener compartment: Apply additives such as fabric softener. Do not exceed the max line (A).

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Do not open the detergent drawer while the washing machine is operating.

Do not use the following types of detergent:

Tablet or capsule types

Ball or net types

To prevent the compartment clogging, concentrated or highly-enriched agents (fabric softener or detergent) must be diluted with water before being applied.

To apply washing agents to the detergent drawer

1.Slide open the detergent drawer.

2.Apply laundry detergent to the main-wash compartment as instructed or recommended by the manufacturer. To use liquid detergent, see page <OV>.

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