Очистка барабана Eco (Barabanni Eco tozalash) dasturining avtomatik signalizatsiyasining ishlashi

Agar tozalashdan keyin displeyda “Barabanni Eco tozalash” indikatori

yonib qolsa, bu barabanni tozalashni bajarish zarurligini anglatadi. Bu holda kir yuvish mashinasidan kirlarni oling, elektr ta’minotini o’chiring va Очистка барабана Eco (Barabanni Eco tozalash) dasturi

bo’yicha barabanni tozalashni bajaring.

Agar siz barabanni ekologik tozalashni bajarmasangiz, displeydagi “Barabanni Eco tozalash” indikatori va ulagichdagi chiroqcha o’chadi. Shunga qaramasdan displeydagi “Очистка барабана Eco (Barabanni Eco tozalash)” indikatori va pereklyuchateldagi lampa ikki (2) marta kir yuvilgandan keyin yana yonadi. Biroq bu kir yuvish mashinasi

uchun muammo tug’dirmaydi.

Garchi umuman olganda Очистка барабана Eco (Barabanni Eco

tozalash) to’g’risidagi avtomatik signal oyda bir marta yoki shunga yaqin vaqtlarda ishga tushsa ham, kir yuvish mashinasidan foydalanishingizga bog’liq ravishda uning ishlash vaqti o’zgarishi mumkin.

• Signalizatsiya ishga tushgan hollarda filtrni chiqindilardan tozalang (36-betdagi “Chiqindi filtrini tozalash” bo’limiga qarang). Aks holda Eco Bubble funksiyasining samaradorligi pasayishi mumkin

Kir yuvish mashinasidan suvni haloqatli chiqarish

1.Kir yuvish mashinasini rozetkadan olib qo’ying.

2. Tanga yoki kalit yordamida filtr qopqog’ini oching.

Filtr qopqog’i

3.Favqulodda suv chiqarish trubkasini yo’naltiruvchi ilmoqdan uzish

uchun uni oldinga torting.




suv chiqarish



4.Trubka uchidagi qopqoqni ushlab haloqatli chiqarish trubkani asta-sekin ko’pi bilan 15 sm ga tortib chiqaring.

5. Suvni tog’oraga oqizing.

Suv siz o’ylagandan ko’ra ko’proq qolishi mumkin. Kattaroq idish tayyorlang.

6. Favqulotda suvni to'kish qapqog'ini va trubkaning o'zini joyiga qayta qo'ying.

7. Filtr qopqog’ini o’z joyiga o’rnating.

Haloqatli chiqarish trubka qopqog’i

O'zbekcha _35

03 tozalash va texnik xizmat ko’rsatish

WD806U2GA-03344B-09_UZ.indd 35

2017/3/8 13:39:36

Page 173
Image 173
Samsung WD806U2GAGD/LP Kir yuvish mashinasidan suvni haloqatli chiqarish, Bo’yicha barabanni tozalashni bajaring, Trubkasi

WD806U2GAGD/LP, WD806U2GAWQ/LP specifications

The Samsung WD806U2GAWQ/LP and WD806U2GAGD/LP are advanced washing machine and dryer combinations tailored for modern households seeking efficiency, convenience, and cutting-edge technology. These models represent an ideal solution for those with limited space, combining powerful cleaning capabilities with drying functions in a single appliance.

One of the standout features of these models is the Eco Bubble technology. This innovative system allows the washing machine to generate bubbles that penetrate fabrics more efficiently than traditional washing methods. By dissolving detergent quicker and enabling effective cleaning at lower temperatures, Eco Bubble not only protects garments but also contributes to energy savings. This eco-friendly approach ensures that clothes are cleaned thoroughly while minimizing environmental impact.

Another remarkable characteristic is the Digital Inverter Motor. This technology enhances durability and minimizes noise, making these appliances suitable for households that prefer quieter operations. The inverter motor adapts energy consumption based on the load, which translates into lower utility bills. Furthermore, Samsung provides a 10-year guarantee on the motor, showcasing confidence in its longevity and reliability.

Flexibility is also a crucial aspect of the WD806U2GAWQ/LP and WD806U2GAGD/LP, as they come with multiple washing programs designed to cater to various fabric types and soiling levels. The Quick Wash function is perfect for busy individuals, allowing users to run a short cycle for lightly soiled clothes, while the Hygiene Steam feature helps eliminate allergens and bacteria, making it ideal for families with sensitive skin.

Smart technology integration is another highlight. These models are Wi-Fi enabled, allowing users to monitor and control their laundry remotely through the SmartThings app. This feature also enables personalized notifications to keep users informed about the washing progress. Additionally, the Self Clean function ensures the drum remains fresh and clean, enhancing hygiene without the need for harsh chemicals.

The sleek, modern design of the Samsung WD806U2GAWQ/LP and WD806U2GAGD/LP complements any contemporary home decor. With a generous capacity, these machines are perfect for handling large loads, making laundry days more efficient. In combining innovative technology, durability, and user-friendly features, Samsung has created a remarkable washing and drying solution that meets the needs of today’s households.