Sanyo PDG-DHT8000L owner manual Filter counter, Scroll counter

Models: PDG-DHT8000L

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Resetting the Filter Counter
Be sure to reset the Filter counter after replacing the filter cartridge.
1 Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Use the Point 7 8 buttons to move the red frame pointer to the Setting Menu icon.
2 Use the Point ed buttons to move the red frame pointer to Filter counter and then press the SELECT button.
A dialog box appears showing the Used time option and the
Scrolls remaining option. Use the Point ed buttons to select Used time.
3 Used time shows the total accumulated time of the filter use, a timer setting option, and the Reset option. Select Reset and the “Filter counter Reset?” appears. Select [Yes] to continue.
4 Another confirmation dialog box appears, select [Yes] to reset the Filter counter.
Resetting the Scroll Counter
Be sure to reset the Scroll counter after replacing the filter cartridge.

Maintenance and Care

Filter counter

Select “Used time” and the dialogue box below appears.


Select Reset and the “Filter counter Reset?” appears.

Select [Yes], then another confirmation box appears.

Select [Yes] again to reset the Filter counter.

Scroll counter


Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Use


the Point 7 8 buttons to move the red frame pointer to the



Setting Menu icon.



Use the Point ed buttons to move the red frame pointer to



Filter counter and then press the SELECT button. A dialog

Select “Scrolls remaining” and


box appears showing the Used time option and the Scrolls

the dialogue box below appears.


remaining option. Use the Point ed buttons to select



Scroll(s) remaining.



Scroll(s) remaining shows the number of the remaining


scrolls and the Reset option. Select Reset and the “Scroll



counter Reset?” appears. Select [Yes] to continue.

Select Reset and the “Scroll


Another confirmation dialog box appears, select [Yes] to

counter Reset?” appears.


reset the Scroll counter.


Select [Yes], then another confirmation box appears.

Select [Yes] again to reset the Scroll counter.


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Sanyo PDG-DHT8000L owner manual Filter counter, Scroll counter