Installing the Printer Driver and Software

-Using the shared printer on Windows 2000/Windows XP or Windows NT 4.0 for Windows 95/98/Me Client or Windows NT 4.0 Client

Windows 2000/Windows XP

If you want to share the machine on Windows 2000/Windows XP, install the

printer driver of Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT 4.0 as an alternate

2 driver.

Windows NT 4.0

If you want to share the machine on Windows NT 4.0, install the printer driv- er of Windows 95/98/Me as an alternate driver.


When using the “alternate driver” function with the Windows NT 4.0, use the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 or later.

For more information about installing the printer driver as an alternate driver, see p.24 “Windows 2000/Windows XP- Installing the Raster Printer Language Printer Driver”, p.28 “Windows NT 4.0 - Installing the Raster Printer Language Printer Driver”.