2o Lay combination square or accurate steel square against fence as shown in Figure 15 and position until it just contacts a blade tooth (See A, figure 15). Mark this tooth.

3_ When the carriage is moved back and forth on radial arm saw toofi_"A" should iust touch square at all po_itions.

tf saw tooth "A" does not touch square as in step 3, adjust as fellows:

a.If saw tooth "A" (Figure 15) moves away from the square when moving the blade from the rear to the front of the

table, completely loosen the three screws holding the table to the channel on the efthand side of the table

_nd slightly loosen those on the right side of the tableo Slightiy tighten the left table clamp (Item 1, Position 4,

Figure 9)_

bo Tighten all table screws first, then both table damps. Recheck blade squareness again.

c.Reverse this procedure if tooth "'A"moves into the square when moving the saw blade from the rear to the front of the table.

tn some cases, the above adjustment may not be sufficient. if this is the case, adjust as follows:

_. Remove three screws (Item 1 and 2, figure 16), indicator

(Item 3) and radial arm cap (Item 4).

b_ Turn arm latch handle 1/2 turn counterc!ockwi_ to re- lease brake, Do not pull out_

c. Slightly loosen (do not remove) two hex head screws (Item 5) inside of column tube,

do Move radial arm in proper direction to make saw tooth "'A" (Figure 15) follow edge of square when checking.

e.Retightee hex head screws (Item 5, figure 16) and arm latch handte.

f.Recheck blade tooth "A" travel with square.

g_ After blade is square to fence reassemble radial arm cap and indicator using screws (item 1 and 2, figure 16). Set indicator at 0 °.


1o Attach saw guard (Item 1, figure 17) washer (item 2) and wing nut (Item 3) to motor and motor s_tud(Item ,4).

2.Pull motor forward of fence so that blade is flee to rotate°

3.Lower radio1 arm untff sow blade just clears table top. ,4. Tighten carriage lock knob (Item 5, figure 17).


Before cutting always be sure that the arm latch handle is locked fully clockwlse. (Item 8, figure 17.)

5.Plug in power cord to receptacle.

6.Insert switch key (Item 6, figure 17) and turn "On".

7.Lower rodial arm until blade cuts into tabte top 1/32". THIS tS ALL THAT IS NECESSARY°

To cut a blade clearance groove in the table and fence hold the bevel index handle (item 7, figure 17) with the left hand and loosen the carriage lock knob (Item 5, figure 17) with he right hand. Slowly pull the motor with the left hand out to the e_reme end of travel and then push the motor back through the fence to the e_treme rear posltion_Turn the key

Jwitch "OFF",

Figure 17


Using a scrap piece of one-lnchlumber approximately six inches wide, lay it on the table against the fence on the left side of the blade. Position the board ta permit a three-inchpiece to be cut from the right end holding the beard firmly against the fence wffh the left hand. Turn the key switch "On" and commence the cut by pulling the saw forward through the board until the front half of the saw blade clear_

as _hown in View A_ Turn the switch "Off" and atlow the

saw blade to come to a complete _op while the rear portion of the blade is r_itl in contact with the wood, Marks on the

face of the board indicate left heeling. Check face of cut

board. See View A_ To check for right beefing repeat the same cut from the right side of the blade. Check for heel marks° See View B.


The piece of wood must be held firmly against the fence and not permitted to move while the saw blade is coming to a stop°

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TO li:IGHr

Exaggerated View of Heeling Condition

To correct for heeling (left or right) proceed as fallows:

1o Remove left hand carriage cover (Item 1, figure 18)o

Figure 1 8


Page 10
Image 10
Sears 113.29003 Preliminary CROSS-CUT AT the 0 Position, Checking the SAW Blade for Heel Left and Right