Zigzag Stitches (Continued)
=Overcasting Stitch
Set the M_chme
Stitch selector
Stitch leoglh
Top thread tension 12 to 24
controt ! to 4 .
Zigzag foot
Helpful Hints
Start overcasting about 1/8" inside the raw corner of your seam. If you start right at the edge, the fabnc will bunch
up and the stitches will become tangled.
Set the Machine
Stitch setector
| Stich | length |
Top thread tension |
| |
| The Stitch and Its Uses |
| |||
control I to 4 | __ | Sew | on stretch | fabrics | In any area that | |
| you m_ght use a zigzag stttch. | ||||
Zigzag | toot | This | stitch | can | be used | as a decorative |
| ||
| top | stttch | as well. |
The Stitch and Its Uses
This zigzag variation ]s very useful in
garment construction and _n finishing raw edges of any sewing proiect.