CHECK OIL - Add as needed
NOTE: Do not check the level of the oil while the engine
1 Make sure the unit is tevel
2Clean the area around the dipstick Remove the dipstick Wipe the oil from the dipstick
3Insert the dipstick into the oil fill tube Turn the dipstick clockwise untiI it is tight Remove the dipstick Check the oil level on the dipstick The oll level must reach the FULL mark on the dipstick
4If necessary, add oil until the oil reaches the FULL mark on the dipstick The quantity of oiI needed from ADD to FULL is shown on the dipstick Do not add too much oil
Fill the fuel tank with regular unleaded gasoline Make sure the gasoline is fresh and clean Leaded gasoline will _ncrease deposits and shorten the life of the valves Do not use premium unIeaded gasoline
CAUTION: A mixture of alcohol (ethanol or methanol) and gasoline (called gasohol)_ will attract moisture and cause acid
deposits during storage While the unit is in storage, the acids in the fuel can damage the fuel system
To prevent engine problems with the fuel system, empty the fuel system before storage of 30 days or longer Drain the fuel tank, Start the engine Let the engine run until the fuel lines and
the carburetor are empty, After storage, make sure you use ,flesh fuel, See the storage instructions for additional information
Never use engine cleaner or carburetor cleaner in the fuel tank
or permanent damage can occur,
WARNING: Always use a safety gasoline
container, Do not smoke when adding gasoline to the fuel tank, Do not add gasoline when you
are inside an enclosure Before you add gasoline, stop the engine and let the engine cool for several minutes
The factory settings for the carburetor are for most conditions If
the engine is operated under the following conditions you can adjust the carburetor mixture See "How To Adjust The Carburetor"
in the maintenance section
1 The engine has a loss of power or does not run smooth
2A change from summer to winter operation
3A40 ° change in the operation temperature The carburetor was adjusted at 80 ° at the factory
4The engine is operated above 4 000 feet
WARNING: The electrical system has an operator presence system that includes a sensor switch mounted in the seat These components
tell the electrical system if the operator is sitting
on the seat For your protection, always make
sure this system operates correctly This system will stop the engine when the operator leaves
the seat if the blade engagement control is engaged
NOTE: The engine will not start unless you depress the
clutch/brake pedal, move the shift lever to the NEUTRAL
position, and move the blade engagement control to the
I Sit in the middle of the seat Completely pusl_ the
clutch/brake pedal forward Keep your foot on the pedal
2Move the shift lever to the NEUTRAL (N) position
3Move the blade engagement control to the DISENGAGE position
4Move the throttle control to the CHOKE position
5Turn the ignition key to the START position Release the key when the engine starts
NOTE: If the engine does not start after four or five tries.
move the throttle control to the FAST position Again try
to start the engine If the engine will not start, see the
6After the engine starts move the throttle control from CHOKE to a needed speed
7Before you begin .work, let a cold engine run for several minutes To start a hot engine move the throttle control toa position between FAST and SLOW
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