dnammoC noitcnuFtroppuS
roloCdnuorgeroFCSE S|s#v
mhtiroglAredneRCSE J|j#t sserpxeotmhtiroglaseificepS
roloCelpmiSCSE U|u#r.edomrolocsteS
nrettaPtnerruCCSE T|t#v.retsarehtotepytnrettapsteS ×
nrettaPdaolnwoD CSE nrettap[W#c
]atad .nrettapdenifedresusdaoL ×
lortnoCnrettaPCSE Q|q#c denifedresufonoiteledseificepS
.nrettap ×
DInrettaPCSE G|g#c.nrettapdenifedresufoDIsteS ×
ecnerefeRnrettaPCSE R|r#p.noitisopetsapnrettapsenifeD ×
noitarepOlacigoLCSE O|o#l otedomnoitarepolacigolseificepS
edoM CSE O|o#v otedomycnerapsnartffo/nosnruT
.nrettapeht ×
edoM CSE N|n#v otedomycnerapsnartffo/nosnruT
.retsarecruoseht ×
(1) Parameter value “-1” is treated as “0”.
Parameter values “-1 to 3” do not affect the palette information.
(2) Parameter values “0 to 3” do not affect the palette information.
(3) Partial page, even if present in received data, is not printed.
(4) Parameter “4” in the Set Pixel Encoding Mode is not supported.
Range assignable with the Set Number of Bit per Index is 1 to 8.
Range assignable with the Set Number of Bit per Primary is 0 to 8.
(5) Range of assignable parameter values is 0 to 31 (2**5-1).
(6) Pen width is not pushed/popped up.
(7) Effective parameter value of ESC*t#J is “0” only.
(8) ESC*I#O is effective only for part of logical operation to the monochrome binary raster.
Commands not listed in the table are treated as a command error or thrown away.