Senco AirFreeTM 41 Safety Warnings, Avisos de Seguridad Consignes de Sécurité, Advertencia

Models: AirFreeTM 41

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Safety Warnings














General Safety Rules

(For all Battery Operated Tools)

Avisos de Seguridad Consignes de Sécurité









Avertissement !

Read and understand all

Lea y comprenda todas las

Maintenez votre zone de

instructions. Failure to follow all

instrucciones. La falta de

travail propre et bien éclairée.

instructions listed below, may

observación de todas las

Des établis en désordre et des

result in electric shock, fire and/or

instrucciones listadas a

zones mal éclairées

continuación puede causar choque

augmentent les risques

serious personal injury.

eléctrico, incendios o lesiones











Work Area

Zona de trabajo

Zone de travail

Keep your work area clean and

Mantenga la zona de trabajo

Maintenez votre zone de travail

well lit. Cluttered benches and

limpia y en buenas

propre et bien éclairée. Des

dark areas invite accidents.

condiciones. Los bancos de

établis en désordre et des zones


trabajo desordenados y los

mal éclairées augmentent les


lugares oscuros son una

risques d’accident.


invitación a un accidente.


Do not operate power tools in

No haga funcionar

N’utilisez pas d’outillage

explosive atmospheres, such

herramientas de motor en

électrique dans un

as in the presence of

atmósferas explosivas, tal

environnement contenant des

flammable liquids, gases, or

como en presencia de

produits explosifs comme des

dust. Power tools create sparks

líquidos, gases o polvos

liquides inflammables, gaz ou

which may ignite the dust or

inflamables. Las herramientas

poussières. De l’outillage


de motor generan chispas que

électrique génère des étincelles


pueden encender el polvo o los

qui peuvent enflammer la



poussière ou les vapeurs.

Keep bystanders, children,

Mantenga s los

Maintenez les spectateurs,

and visitors away while

acompañantes, menores y

enfants et visiteurs à l’écart

operating a power tool.

visitas alsjados mientras

lorsque vous utilisez de

Distractions can cause you to

usted utiliza la herramienta

l’outillage électrique. Toute

lose control.

de motor. Las distracciones

distraction risque de vous faire


pueden hacer que usted pierda

perdre le contrôle de votre outil.


el control..


Electrical Safety

Seguridad eléctrica

Sécurité électrique

Do not abuse the cord. Never

No abuse del cable. No utilice

Prenez soin du cordon

use the cord to carry the tool.

jamás el calor, el aceite, el

d’alimentation. Ne l’utilisez

Keep cord away from heat, oil,

agua, los bordes filosos o las

jamais pour transporter le

sharp edges, or moving parts.

piezas móviles. Reemplace los

chargeur. Maintenez le cordon à

Replace damaged cords

cables dañados

l’écart de la chaleur, l’huile,

immediately. Damaged cords

immediatamente. Los cables

l’eau, bords tranchants ou

objets en mouvement.

may create a fire.

dañados pueden producir un

Remplacez immédiatement tout




cordon endommagé. Des





cordons endommagés peuvent



provoquer un incendie.

A battery operated tool with

Las herramientas accionadas

De l’outillage fonctionnant

integral batteries or a separate

a batería integradas o

avec une batterie intégrée ou

battery pack must be

conjuntos de baterías

séparée ne doit être rechargé

recharged only with the

independientes, deben

qu’avec le chargeur approprié

specified charger for the

recargarse sólo con el

à la batterie. Un chargeur conçu

battery. A charger that may be

cargador específico para la

pour un type de batterie peut

suitable for one type of battery

batería. Un cargador adecuado

provoquer des risques d’incendie

may create a risk of fire when

para un tipo de batería puede

s’il est utilisé pour un autre type

used with another battery.

ocasionar riesgos de incendio

de batterie.


cuando se lo utiliza con otra





Use battery operated tool only

Use la herramientas

N’utilisez de l’outillage

with specifically designated

accionada a batería sólo con

alimenté par batterie qu’avec

battery pack. Use of any other

el conjunto de baterías

la batterie qui lui est destinée.

batteries may create a risk of

específicamente diseñado

L’utilisation d’une batterie non


para la misma. El uso de

appropriée peut provoquer un


cualquier otro tipo de batería

risque d’incendie.


puede ocasionar riesgos de









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Senco AirFreeTM 41 operating instructions Safety Warnings, Avisos de Seguridad Consignes de Sécurité, Advertencia

AirFreeTM 41 specifications

The Senco AirFreeTM 41 is an innovative solution specifically designed for professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts. Its unique features and cutting-edge technology make it a versatile addition to any tool collection, catering to a variety of fastening applications.

One of the standout attributes of the Senco AirFreeTM 41 is its cordless functionality. Powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, this nailer eliminates the need for cumbersome compressors and hoses, allowing for increased mobility and ease of use on job sites. Users appreciate the freedom this cordless design provides, as it lets them work in tight spaces without the worry of tripping hazards or limited reach.

The AirFreeTM 41 is equipped with an advanced, brushless motor, which not only enhances its performance but also ensures longevity and reliability. Brushless technology delivers consistent power and efficiency, resulting in fewer maintenance requirements and reduced wear and tear on the tool. This translates to lower operating costs over its lifespan, making it a cost-effective choice for frequent users.

In terms of fastening capabilities, the AirFreeTM 41 is designed to handle a wide range of applications, from trim and molding to cabinetry and furniture. It accommodates various fastener lengths, allowing users to select the appropriate size for their specific projects. The tool features an adjustable depth-of-drive mechanism, ensuring precise insertion of fasteners every time, regardless of the material being used.

Safety is always a priority with tools like the Senco AirFreeTM 41. It comes with a secure safety nose that prevents accidental firing, enhancing user confidence and safety during operation. Additionally, the tool's lightweight design minimizes fatigue during extended use, while the ergonomic grip ensures comfort.

Another notable aspect of the Senco AirFreeTM 41 is its low-nail lockout feature, which signals when it's time to reload the nailer, preventing dry firing and ensuring that users can work efficiently without interruptions. The integrated LED light provides visibility in dimly lit areas, making it easier to work in challenging conditions.

Overall, the Senco AirFreeTM 41 stands out in the market for its blend of advanced technologies, user-friendly features, and robust design. It is a reliable tool that meets the demands of both professionals and hobbyists, providing a dependable solution for a variety of fastening needs.