The AT#CBA command is used to set the maximum number of callback attempts the modem will make. The valid range for Callback attempts is 1to 255. The default value is 4.
To set the maximum Call back attempts:After successfully logging into the modem with the Setup password, type at#cba, followed by the maximum number of attempts and press Enter.
Type atz and press Enter to reset the modem with the new settings.
The following command sets the maximum Callback attempts to 1:
OK atz<Enter>
Setting the Callback delayThe AT#CBD command is used to set the length in time the modem waits before attempting a callback. The valid range for the delay is 1 to 255 in seconds. The default value is 15.
To set the Callback delay:After successfully logging into the modem with the Setup password, type at#cbd, followed by the delay (in seconds) and press Enter.
Type atz and press Enter to reset the modem with the new settings.
The following command sets the Callback delay to 30 seconds:
OK atz<Enter>
Displaying Callback failed attempts counterThe Sentry integrated Modem counts the number of failed Callback passwords attempts since a reset or
NOTE: The &W command may be used with the AT#CBF command to store this number in nonvolatile memory.
To display the failed attempts counter:Type at#cbf and press Enter.
Type atz and press Enter to reset the modem with the new settings.
Resetting the Callback failed attempts counterThe AT#CBFR command is used to reset the Callback failed attempts counter.
To reset the failed attempts counter:Type at#cbfr and press Enter.
Type atz and press Enter to reset the modem with the new settings.
Sentry Global Security Modem | Operations • 9 |
Installation and Operations Manual |