Chapter 3: Operations

The Sentry Global Security Modem is a v.92 (56K) data modem and provides out-of-band access to the Sentry Remote Power Manager. The Sentry integrated Modem additionally supports Callback Security and Remote Configuration.

NOTE: Sentry RPMs with integrated modems manufactured prior to June 30, 2003 may contain older OEM modem modules. Use the ATI3 command to positively identify the type of integrated modem; the new Security Modem will display ‘MT5634SMI’ in the response string. For support on configuring older modems, please contact Technical Support.

Logging In

You may log directly into the Global Security Modem to configure the Country Code, enable Callback Security or other features. To log into the modem follow steps 1 through 3 from To initially configure the modem: below.

Initial Configuration

The Global Security Modem requires no initial configuration, with the exception of the Country Code, to operate as a standard modem without the optional security mechanisms enabled; Callback Security is disabled by default.

Provided are instructions to configure the modem through a serial/Pass-Thru connection from the Sentry: prompt. The instructions below assume that the default Setup password has not been changed.

To initially configure the modem:

1.At the Sentry: prompt, type connect modem and press Enter.

2.After receiving the Connection Complete banner, type ate1q0v1 and press Enter. This enables the modem’s command echo and enables verbose result code mode.

3.Type at#sMTSMODEM and press Enter to authenticate and enter configuration mode. If the password is incorrect, the modem will display Error.

4.Type at%t19,0, followed by the appropriate Country Code (see page 6) and press Enter.

5.Type ati19 and press Enter to verify the configured Country Result Code.

6.Type atz and press Enter to reset the modem with the new settings.

7.Type !*login and press Enter to break the Sentry serial connection to the modem. The Sentry will display the Disconnecting… banner and return to the Sentry username: prompt.

NOTE: Server Technology recommends use of the ATZ command after any configuration changes to insure that they are stored and that the modem is reinitialized with them. Re-authentication, step 3, is required after using the ATZ command for any additional configuration changes.

4 • Operations

Sentry Global Security Modem


Installation and Operations Manual