AT commands are used to control and configure the operation of the Global Security Modem. AT commands may be issued only from a serial
AT commands may be issued in any combination of uppercase and lowercase. Multiple AT commands may be issued in one line, also known as a command string. Command strings begin with AT and end when Enter is pressed. The following table lists and briefly describes each command.
AT Command Summary
Command | Description |
#CBA | Sets the maximum Callback attempts |
#CBD | Sets the Callback delay |
#CBF | Displays the Callback failed attempts counter |
#CBFR | Resets the Callback failed attempts counter |
#CBN | Sets a Callback password |
#CBR | Resets a Callback memory location |
#CBS | Enables or disables Callback security |
#S | Sets the Setup password |
%T19,0, | Configures the country code |
&V | Displays all current settings |
&W | Stores the current configuration |
&Z | Sets a Callback dialing string |
AT | Attention |
I19 | Displays current country code configuration |
O | Restores the remote session to data mode |
S9 | Sets the remote configuration escape character value |
S9=0 | Disables remote configuration |
Z | Resets the modem with the new configuration |
Setting the Setup password
The AT#S= command is used to set the Setup password. The password may be 1 to 8 characters and is case sensitive.
The default Setup password is ‘MTSMODEM’.
NOTE: For security, Server Technology recommends changing the predefined password prior to connection to your network.
To set the Setup password:
After successfully logging into the modem with the Setup password, type at#s=, followed by the password and press Enter.
Type atz and press Enter to reset the modem with the new settings.
The following set the Setup password to “OpenUp”:
OK atz<Enter>
Sentry Global Security Modem | Operations • 5 |
Installation and Operations Manual |