Remote Configuration

Remote configuration is a useful management tool that allows a system administrator to configure the modem from one or more remote locations eliminating the need to access the modem locally when changes to the modem configuration is needed. Remote configuration is accessed through the use of an escape character sequence and the Setup password, and will allow issuance of AT commands for maintenance or troubleshooting.

NOTE: Please note that the master Setup password may not be changed remotely.

Opening a Remote Configuration Session

The instructions below assume that the default Setup password and escape character have not been changed.

1.Establish a dial-up terminal data connection with a remote Global Security Modem.

2.During the session, send three remote configuration escape characters, followed by AT and the

Setup password, and press Enter:


You have four tries to enter the correct password before being disconnected.

3.AT commands may now be sent to configure the modem.

4.Type AT&W0 and press Enter to save the new configuration.

5.Type ATO and press Enter to exit the remote configuration mode and return to the on-line data connection.

Setting the Escape Character

The ATS9 command is used to set the remote configuration escape character value. Changing this value from the default ‘%’ (ASCII – 37) further improves the security of the Global Security Modem. The escape character may be set to ASCII 1-127.

NOTE: The characters ‘+’ (ACSII – 43) and ‘@’ (ASCII-64) are reserved system characters and should not be used for the Remote Configuration escape character.

To set the escape character:

Type ats9=, the ASCII number for the desired character and press Enter.


The following command set the escape character to ‘?’ (ASCII – 63):


Disabling Remote Configuration

The ATS9=0 command is use to disable the ability to remotely configure the Global Security Modem.

NOTE: If disabled during a remote configuration session, a local session will be required to re-enable remote configuration.

Sentry Global Security Modem

Operations • 11

Installation and Operations Manual