can micro adjust a full 1/4” in either direction. The scale is marked in 1/32” increments.
IMPORTANT: Do not turn the micro adjusting knob with the carriage clamp in the “locked” position. The carriage clamp must always be “unlocked” and the micro adjust lever pushed down before micro adjusting the fence position.
At the end of each day, you might want to micro adjust back to mid- range on the range scale. This ensures that youʼll have plenty of micro adjusting range the next time you begin a project.
All of the components and features of you new INCRA
Adjusting the clamping pressure
Note: The Ultra base must be attached to the base support panel with all six mounting screws tightened before adjusting the clamping pressure.
The Ultra base and carriage clamp were designed to make it easy for the operator to adjust the clamping pressure to his individual preference using the supplied clamp pad shims. Hereʼs how:
“Unlock” the carriage clamp, slide the carriage so that its end is about 1” forward of the rear of the Ultra base and press the micro adjust
lever down. Remove the Phillips head screw and nylon washer that caps the end of the clamping pad slot. Your hardware pack
for the INCRA
Caution: If you have reduced clamping pressure by removing a shim, be certain that adequate pressure remains to hold the carriage rigidly in place when clamped in the fully extended position. If not, increase clamping pressure by adding shims as described above.
Figure 29
To change clamping pressure, add or remove shims to the left of 1/8” thick clamping pad
Remove screw and washer