Making Calls – Convenience Functions
Step by Step
Dialing a Number From the Internal Directory
The internal directory contains all station numbers and
system speed-dial numbers assigned to a name. Con-
tact your service personnel to find out if one was con-
figured for your system.
Precondition: Names have been assigned to the sta-
tion numbers stored in the system.
nLift the handset.
Press the key. The LED lights up.
qih Enter the code.
If applicable If several directories have been configured:
The first entry is displayed on the screen.
u or vScroll to next or previous entry.
> :
> :
oEnter the name you want to find, or just the first few
letters, using the alphanumeric keypad.
You can use the keypad with the digits as an alphanu-
meric keypad in this case and enter the names by
pressing the appropriate keys one or more times as
For example, you can enter the letter "r" by pressing the
"7" three times or the letter "e" by pressing the "3" twice.
The first name with the entered letters is displayed.
Enter the following letters by using the same method.
If no entry exists for the entered letters, you will hear
three short beeps.
US: Directory?
UK: Phonebook?
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