Min/Max Reset
The minimum AND the maximum values for each the following parameters
are reset when
Min/Max Rset is used:
♦ Phase and average Current (I a, I b, I c, and I avg) ♦ Frequency
♦ Line-to-line voltages (Vll ab, bc and ca, and Vll avg) ♦ PF lead and PF lag
♦ Line-to-neutral voltages (Vln a, b and c, and Vln avg) ♦ Total kW, kVAR and kV A
Sliding Window Demand Reset
The following Sliding Window Demand parameters are reset when
SWDemand Rset is used:
♦ Average Current SWD ♦ kW SWD
Status Counter Reset
Each of the eight Status Counters that monitor the number of times each
Status input changes are reset when
S Count Rset is used.
Thermal Demand Reset
The following Thermal Demand parameters are reset when
TDemand Rsetis used:
♦ Average Current TD ♦ kW TD
♦ kVAR TD ♦ kVA TD
Energy Reset
The following energy parameters are reset when
Energy Rset is used:
♦ kWh import, export, total and net ♦ kVAh
♦ kVARh import, export, total and net