§Menu§ Î Setup Î Network
Îselect a function:
Pref. network
The service providers you prefer af- ter your home service provider are displayed in this list (e.g. if there are several service providers that differ in price).
If the signal strength of your preferred net- work is not strong enough when you switch the phone on, the phone may log on to an- other network. This can change when the telephone is next switched on or if you man- ually select another network (p. 59).
Your service provider is displayed.
§List§ Display list of preferred networks.
Create new entry:
•Select empty line, press §Entry§, then select an entry from the list of service providers and confirm it.
Change/delete entry:
•Select an entry, press §Change§ then select another entry from the list of service providers and con- firm it.
press §Delete§.
Barring restricts the use of your SIM card (not supported by all service providers). You need a 4 digit pass- word that your service provider sup- plies you. You may need to be regis- tered separately for each barring.
All outgoing
All outgoing calls except emergency number 112 and 999 are barred.
Outgo internat
Only national calls can be made.
Out.int.x home
International calls are not permitted. However you can make calls to your home country when abroad.
All incoming
The phone is barred for all incoming calls (the forwarding of all calls to the mailbox offers a similar effect).
When roaming
You do not receive calls when you are outside your home network. This means that no charges are incurred for incoming calls.
Status check
The following info can be displayed ^after a status check:
?Status unknown (e.g. new SIM card).
Clear all
All barrings are cleared.