My phone


My phone

Change your phone to match your personal requirements.

Ring tones

Assign individual ring tones to caller groups or for special dates (p. 80).

Own greeting

Select a personalized greeting (p. 68).


Choose a digital clock or a personal picture (p. 69).

(Provider) Logo

Choose an individual picture (to be displayed in standby mode) (p. 68).

Background image

Choose your own permanent background image (p. 68).

Color scheme

Choose a color scheme for the entire service system (p. 68).

Where do I get what?

Additional ringtones, logos, animations and screensavers can be ordered on the Internet at

and can be sent to you via SMS/MMS or you can download them via WAP:

Siemens City Portal

You can find additional services for your mobile phone at:

The Siemens City Portal also offers a list of countries in which these services are available.