Hardware Components of the SIMATIC Box PC 620
3-2 SIMATIC Box PC 620 Operating Manual
3.1 Right-Hand Side of the Device (Port Side)
Keyboard EthernetMPI/DPUSBVGALPT1/Printer
Mouse COM1/V24/AG COM2 PCI slot PCI/ISA slot
PC Card
Figure 3-1 Right-Hand Side of the Device with Ports
*1Without TTY for the basic variant of the Box PC
*2Not available for the basic variant of the Box PC
Ensure that you use shielded cables and metal plugs to connect the peripheral
units; if this is not done, the approval for operation will be invalid! Screw down the
plugs of the interface cables to the PC housing by means of a screwdriver. You
thereby improve the electrical shielding.