Example: multiple line input

There are many situations in which you can change the settings of a display or enter data in several lines.

In this user guide symbols are used to guide you step by step through multiple line input. This is illustrated below using the example of "Setting the date and time". The things you have to do are explained in the boxes.

You will see the following display (exam- ple):








Enter day, month and year in 6-digit format.

The second line is marked with [ ] to show it is active.

¤Enter the date using the digit keys.


Enter hours/minutes in 4-digit format.

¤Press the skey.

The fourth line is marked with [ ] to show it is active.

¤Enter the date using the digit keys.

¤Save changes.

¤Press the display key §Save§.

¤Then press and hold the akey. The handset changes to idle status.

Notes on the operating instructions

Writing and editing a text message

The following rules apply when writing a text message:

uControl the cursor with uvts.

uCharacters are added to the left of the cursor.

uPress the star key *to show the table of special characters.

uThe first letter of the name of directory entries is automatically capitalised, fol- lowed by lower case letters.

Entering special characters

You can call up the table of special characters when writing an SMS using the * key. Select the required character and insert it with §Insert§.

Writing an SMS/name (without predictive text)


Your base station must support SMS.

Press and hold the hash key #to switch from "Abc" mode to "123" and from "123" to "abc" and from "abc" to "Abc" (upper case: 1st letter upper case, all others lower case). Press the hash key # before entering the letter.

The following applies when writing an SMS:

uThe display shows whether upper case, lower case or digits is selected. "Abc", "abc" or "123" appears at the top right of the display.

uWhen you press a key and hold it, the characters of that key appear in the bottom display line and are high- lighted one after the other. When you release the key the highlighted charac- ter is inserted into the input field.