Putting the mobile unit into service
The batteries supplied (NiCd) are not charg ed.
To charge the b atteries , inse rt the mo bile un it in the Giga set
2000L charging shell. The mobile unit can be inserted with
the display facing upwards or downwards.
The LED on the charging shell lights up while the bat-
teries are charging. In addition, the battery symbol in the
mobile unit display indicates the charging status:
Battery charging times:
Charging and using the batteries
Batteries empty.
EBatteries charged 33%.
8Batteries charged 66%.
7Batteries charged 100%.
New batteries should be initially charged f or a minimum
period of 16 hours without interruption – irrespective
of the battery symbol displayed.
In order to maintain max. battery storage capacity
for as long as possible, the mobile unit should only
ever be inserted in the charging shell when the batter-
ies are almost empty E.
The batteries warm up during charging.
Old, defective batteries must be disposed of in accor-
dance with legal requirements, not in the normal waste
disposal system.
Capacity Charging time in
mobile unit
Charging time in
reserve batt ery
600 mAh 4 to 5 24
1100 mAh 8 to 9 40