Telephone directory
Overview – key layout
Enter the telephone number (2nd and 3rd line)
When you have entered the name, press the display key
and enter the telephone number (up to 32 digits)
using the digi t keys.
Correcting/deleting entries (1st, 2nd and 3rd line)
The cursor is moved from character to cha racter in wrap-
around mode using the display keys and .
A character is always inserted to the left of the cursor.
The character to the left of the cursor is deleted when you
press the di splay key .
1st keystroke
2nd keystroke
3r d key str o ke
4th keystroke
5th keystroke
6th keystroke
7th keystroke
8th keystroke
s a bc2äàâç
d ef3ëéèê
u gh i4ïî
 jkl5
w mno6öñóô
x pqrs7ß
y t uv8üúùû
 wxyz9
" *)
*) Blank is inse rte d
 aA*/()=&@
} #
Telephone directory entries are automatically sorted in
alphabetical order . "Names" that begin with "*" or "#" pre-
cede entries starting with "A".