Siemens I-SURF manual Safety Instructions, Instructions regarding the location of the device

Models: I-SURF

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Safety Instructions

Safety Instructions

Please read the installation instructions carefully, before you connect and initially start up the I-SURF USB box.

The I-SURF USB box may be given to a third person only if accompanied by the installation instructions as well.

The I-SURF USB box is a complex electronic unit that may be repaired only be authorised, qualified personnel. DO NOT try to open or repair the USB box yourself.

Please be careful not to pull out the data cable or to plug it in during a thunderstorm.

The I-SURF USB box can be used only with an S0 basic rate interface.

Small children and babies are in danger of choking or suffocating if they put small objects in their mouths. In the case of the I-SURF-USB, the clip binding the cable could pose such a danger. Please keep this out of reach of children.

Instructions regarding the location of the device

The device is designed for operation in a sheltered space and within a temperature range of +5 °C to +40 °C.

Normally the device leaves no traces on the surfaces on which it is placed; however, in view of the great variety of materials, lacquers and polishes used for furniture these days, it is not impossible that this could happen in the course of time. Place the device on a level, non-slip surface.

Make sure that the I-SURF USB box is not subjected to direct sunlight or other heat sources. The electronic components and/or the housing may be damaged as a result.

Do not place the device in a damp place such as a bathroom.

The mains plug of the NTBA is to be plugged in.


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Siemens I-SURF manual Safety Instructions, Instructions regarding the location of the device