34 Durat/charges


You can display charge details and the duration of different types of calls while you speak, as well as setting a unit limit for outgoing calls.

§Menu§ ¢Z ¢Durat/charges

Select type of call:

Last call

All outg. calls

All incoming

Remain. units

§Select§ Display data.

Once displayed you can:

§Reset§ Clear display.

§OK§ End display.

Charge sett.

§Menu§ ¢Z ¢Durat/charges

¢Charge sett.


(PIN2 prompt)

Enter the currency in which the charge details are to be shown.

Personal rate


(PIN2 prompt)

Enter the charges per unit/period.

A/c limit


(PIN2 prompt)

Special SIM cards allow you or the service provider to define a credit or a period after which the phone is barred for outgoing calls.

§Change§ Press, enter PIN2. A/c limit Switch on.

JEnter number of units.

§OK§ Confirm.

Then confirm the credit or reset the counter. The status display for prepaid cards may vary, depending on the service provider.

Auto display

Call duration and call charges are automatically displayed for each call.