¾Ring on/off: Determines whether the line rings on an incoming call.
Value range: "On", "Off"
Default: "On"
¾Ring delay: Time interval in seconds after which the line starts ringing on an incoming call.
Default: 0
¾Selection order: Priority assigned to the line for the selection of an outgoing line.
Default: 0
¾Address: Address/phone number which has a corresponding entry on the SIP server/registrar.
¾Realm: Domain wherein user id and password are valid.
¾User Identifier: User name for authentication with the SIP server.
¾Password: Password for authentication with the SIP server.
¾Shared type: Determines whether the line is a shared line (shared by multiple endpoints) or a private line (only available for this endpoint).
Value range: "shared", "private", "unknown".
Default: "shared"
¾Hot/Warm line type: Determines whether the line is a hot line or a warm line.
Value range: „hot line“, „warm line“
¾Hot/Warm line destination: Number to be dialled when the phone is in hotline or warmline mode.
¾Allow in Overview: Determines whether the line appears in the phone’s line overview.
Value range: "Yes", "No"
Default: "Yes"
¾Hot warm action (V2): Determines if the line is a regular line, a hot line, or a warm line.
Value range: "No action", "hot line", "warm line"
¾Hot warm destination (V2): The destination to be dialled from the hot/warm line when the user goes
Remark: A new line key can only be added by use of the WBM or, preferably, using the WPI [4]. Once a line key exists, it can also be configured by the local menu.
Multi Address Appearance on OpenStage | 00.00.2007 I 22 |