Line 1
Primary appearance
Line 2
Secondary appearance
Line 3
Secondary appearance
Figure 2: A phone with multiple address appearance
A client configured as a keyset need not have any secondary lines; in that case, it has only a single line (the primary line). A client can be configured with a private line that is not shared, i.e., the line has only a single appearance. For the purposes of this specification, the fact that a client is configured with more than one line or is configured with a single line that is a shared line makes the client a keyset, as opposed to an ordinary single user phone.
1.A client could be configured with only a single line, that line being a private line. A client con- figured in this way would not make use of any of the special keyset signalling capabilities de- fined in this specification. However, the client's the user interface and parts of the configura- tion may differ from a single line
2.The Asterisk communication system does not support the OpenStage shared multiline signal- ling features, and SEN will not provide any support to this proprietary protocol enhancement. Therefore, only the configuration of private lines is taken into account, and this document is restricted to MAA only.
Multi Address Appearance on OpenStage | 00.00.2007 I 6 |