505 High Speed Counter
and Encoder Module User
s Manual
Controller Input Words (continued)Reset Command. Both
channels have a Reset Command bit. A transition
from 0 (off) to 1 (on) of the Reset Command acts as a one-shot (providing a
momentary reset of the channel), setting the count to 0. Even though the
bit remains 1, counting resumes.
Inhibit Command.
Both channels have an Inhibit Command bit. When this
bit is set to 1, the channel stops counting.
When in the pulse counter mode, if the A or B input is in a
ent state at the beginning and end of an inhibit signal, the count
will change accor
ding to the nor
mal counting logic. If both A and B
inputs ar
e in dif
ent states, the change may be as much as two
Output Level.
The output level bit specifies when the outputs for each
channel turn on.
Setting the output level bit to 0 turns the output on when the current
count is greater than or equal to the preset. If the current count is less
than the preset, the output is off.
Setting the output level bit to 1 turns the output on when the current
count is less than the preset. If the current count is greater than or
equal to the preset, the output is off.
WY5 – WY8
ords WY5 through WY8 specifies preset values for each channel.
eset W
ords) Y
ou can specify any value between 0 and 65,535.
specifies the value for Preset 1, Channel 1.
specifies the value for Preset 2, Channel 1.
specifies the value for Preset 1, Channel 2.
specifies the value for Preset 2, Channel 2.
I/O Update In each scan, the controller reads the module WX words before updating
the WY words. For example, during a scan when the controller resets the
module, the WX word(s) contain counter values existing prior to the reset.