© Siemens AG 2013
LOGO! App from Siemens
■Connection via
■User specific names for devices and values Simple recognition
■Read and set date and time in LOGO! and synchro- nization with date and time of the mobile device
■Show configured values in status table or trend view
■Read Diagnostic information Without program changes in LOGO!
Step by step to success
1 | Download of the Siemens LOGO! App |
| Please observe the security note on page 3 |
| |
for Android operating system |
Android version
Link for download of the Android version:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id= com.siemens.snc.ilogo&feature=search_result#?t= W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5zaWVtZW5zLnNuYy5p
for iOS operating system
Link for download of the iOS version:
https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/logo!- app/id581906197?mt=8
4LOGO! App from Siemens - Description