LOGO! App from Siemens - Description 9
LOGO! App from Siemens
Edit values
Show values in trend view
1. Select one of the specified values
by long click on the value.
1. Select up to 5 values from the
VM Table Monitor by a long click
on the value.
2. Select „Edit This Value“ in the sub
2. Select „Add To Chart“ from the sub
3. Change the value in the field
„New Value“.
4. Button „Save“ to transfer the new
value to LOGO! and go back to the
VM Table Monitor.
3. The selected values to be shown in
the trend view will get marked in
blue color.
4. Open the sub menu by a long click
in the blue area.
5. To start the trend view of the
selected value select „Show Trend
6. Selected values shown in the
trend view.
7. In the trend view you will see the
name and address of the shown
values also and what color is used
for the single line.
LOGO!_App_en.fm Seite 9 Montag, 11. März 2013 4:01 16
© Siemens AG 2013